What gift can you give yourself?
For me, sometimes it's the gift of doing nothing.
Sometimes it's spending a bit of money on myself.
Sometimes, it's the gift of serving someone else so I get the fuck over myself!
Sometimes I need the gift of time alone. Or time with my beautiful man.
Sometimes I need the gift of reading a book, or some brain candy on Netflix.
Sometimes (ok, often) I need the gift of a really great coffee. Not because it’s a NEED, but because it’s a GIFT, and don’t we deserve gifts?
Sometimes I give myself the gift of telling myself I did the best I could, and that it’s enough.
Sometimes I give myself the gift of loving myself.
I spent years in a bad marriage giving myself the gift of affirmation because he never did. I congratulated myself on the slightest thing. I got so, so good at telling myself, YOU ROCK! (And now I do it often and in public and people laugh at me. I mean with me, right?)
Sometimes I need the gift of being kind to myself. Telling myself I’m doing an ok job. That I look good. That I can love my body.
Sometimes I give myself the gift of saying no to someone or something.
Sometimes I give myself the gift of saying yes.
We talk about self-care. You may or may notgel with those words, that concept.
But what about gifts? Do you need to give yourself a gift?
Can you?
Merry Christmas, my loves 🥰