by Miraka
The Body Image Series: A conversation with Shelly Davies
Bettina Tornatora talks to Shelly Davies about her body image journey, and how she loved herself to a place of power in her world.
Are you letting yourself grow?
Growth means change, and humans find change scary. It might scare you. Or it might scare people around you.
I hung out washing today...
But I’m a big believer in owning our own truth without having to validate it against the experiences of others, so here I am, reflecting on the clothes currently hanging on my washing line.
Knowing Yourself is Power
In this episode, Shelly and Katrina talk about the power of boundaries and loving self.
Whose problem is that?
You have the power to look at any given situation and ask yourself: Is this a me problem or a them problem?
Tribe vibes
Yes, we all know social media can be noisy and destructive. BUT if you make it work for you, it can be SO powerful and bring you joy.
Two car seats on my back seat
I show people how to love themselves so they can be more powerful in their world.