
Miraka Davies
Keynote Speaker

Crack your event wide open

We haven’t got time for superficial. For safe. For comfortable.

We haven’t got the patience or the tolerance or the fucking energy. When you’re investing in bringing your people together, you need IMPACT.

Put Miraka Davies (Shelly Davies) on your stage and you’ll go deep. Real. Confronting from a place of love, experience, and generous vulnerability. A master of reading and engaging a room, Miraka is all heart, endless entertainment, and the kind of wisdom that only comes with scars.

$7k for a keynote

Yup, that’s it. Flat rate, because I stand by the value your people will get.

A person on a stage who is IN THEIR HAPPIEST PLACE is very hard to resist. Let’s shake up the room.

$7k+GST and travel expenses, and it’s a date!

Want more?

Get a pack that tells you pricing,
more about Miraka and her speaking,
and everything you need to get sign off on your budget!