by Miraka
Being your authentic self
We also dive into racism, acknowledging that it is alive when wāhine mau Moko and what it is to be challenged as a fair wahine.
You need to hear her roar
Hear stories of other small business owners as they explain the turning points that lead them to make changes that positively altered the course of their business, and/or their life.
Writing, Joy & Badassery
Reece Reilly spoke with Writing and Communications Trainer Shelly Davies about how to improve your writing and training as well as other topics such as Maori, Profanity, Racism and more.
Rich or Good? Burning the Bullshit
The bullsh*t belief — “You can be either rich or a good person, but not both” — negatively impacted how much Shelly Davies charged for her services. And led to shortchanging herself to the tune of thousands of dollars each day.
Good Shit I’ve Learned
Shelly Davies is living a dream she didn’t know she had – helping people live more fully, more authentically, and more in their truth.
Learning from Children
Listen to Shelly talk about the perfect recipe for disaster that she experienced as a mother. Profound and vulnerable sharing in this podcast.